Equipping your trenchmaster, For varying conditions – Brown Products TrenchMaster (F-1202) User Manual
Page 13

There are several options available which enable you to adapt your TRENCHMASTER
perform well under varying conditions.
The most common conditions requiring special adaptation are listed below and recommended
options are listed with each condition.
1. Soil type
a. Sand, sandy loam, swampy & river soils - Use clay rotor.
b. Sticky clay or wet soils - Use clay rotor.
c. Rock, stone & heavy gravel - Use rock rotor.
d. Scattered rock, small gravel, asphalt and hard clay - Use clay rotor.
SPECIAL NOTE: Rock rotor points should not be used in sand. Sand may jam the points
and cause extremely rapid wear.
2. Soil moisture
a. Wet sand and damp abrasive type soils - Use the clay rotor.
b. Wet clay or wet heavy soils & any soil that is adhesive or cohesive - Use the
clay rotor.
3. Depth and width of trench
Choose the smallest trench that is practical for the job. Digging a smaller trench
will save you time and money in three ways:
a. You will be able to trench faster.
b. You will have less soil to clean up.
c. your digging rotors will last longer.
4. Root Pruning - Use root pruner rotors.
5. Selecting the proper rotor for your TRENCHMASTER
( See the rotor compatibility list
on page 10-1)