Knowing your microphone, Powering microphone distance to source, Mounting the microphone – Superlux PS2A User Manual
Page 2: Type of transducer, Goang-fann co.,ltd

Knowing your microphone
Superlux provides variety selection of microphones for professionals and amatures. To
know your microphone is the first step to successful result.
Durable and simple structure, operates in all kinds of environments. A good dynamic
microphone is capable to operate at very high sound pressure level without distortion.
Due to structure limit, dynamics cannot be built as small as condenser, but dynamics
doesn require power to operate.
Extremely light weight diaphragm, very sensitive to sound. Very small versions
available for hiding applications. High performance condenser microphones are
regarded as standard equipment of recording studios for extreme detail capturing.
Operates with power, such as phantom or battery.
Condenser microphones work with power. Professional standard is 48VDC phantom
power. Some microphones work with lower voltage as low as 1.5VDC, such as battery
power model.
Powering microphone
Distance to source
Close miking or distant miking sound very differently. Vocal recording or live
performance practice close miking mostly. Suitable proximity effect is one desired
target, and lower feedback problem is another factor for live sound application.
While distant miking is common practice for recording, especially stereo pair
recording with large group of performers, such as orchestra or choir.
Distant miking generally picks up less bass section with pressure gradient type of
microphone (cardioid, figure-8, shotgun...) due to acoustic nature and lack of
proximity effects.
Rich bass with distant miking can be recorded with pressure type of microphone
(Omni), which performs the same frequency response with close or distant pick-up.
Mounting the microphone
Pressure gradient microphone is very sensitive to vibration. Suitable shock mount for
high performance microphone is necessary for extreme low noise recording. Sturdy
stand can set the microphone excatly at the sweet spot and keep it there. Choose heavy
duty microphone stand for studio condenser microphone which weights much more
than handle microphone.
Superlux provides wide range of microphone stands for various demands. Big Foot
Willie is specially developed for large condenser microphones that able to support 2
large microphones with stereo bracket for single point stereo recording.
Extension foot on all the 'E' versions serve to mount heavy studio microphone in limit
space live sound applications.
Type of transducer
Shanghai Shenzhen Taipei
T e l 8 8 6 - 2 - 2 6 9 3 1 3 2 3
F a x 8 8 6 - 2 - 2 6 9 4 8 9 9 0
E - m a i l s a l e s @ s u p e r l u x . c o m . t w
H t t p : / / w w w . s u p e r l u x . c o m . t w
3 F , N o . 7 , A l l e y 2 , L a n e 3 4 2 , F u - D e r 1 s t R o a d
H s i c h i h , T a i p e i , T a i w a n