Measuring currents and differential voltages – Associated Equipment 6044 User Manual
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1) Connect tester to battery as shown in (see figure 9). Press the
Test Selection [2] button until the Alternator LED is lit. Connect
Amp Probe around positive output cable of alternator. If wires
split off to feed power to accessories, the pickup must be
placed over the wires between the point of the split and the
alternator. Do not place the pickup closer than 6 inches to the
alternator or the current readings may be affected by the
magnetic field of the alternator.
2) Make sure all accessories are off in the vehicle.
4) Start vehicle and allow the engine a few seconds to stabilize
the voltage. Press the Start Test [4] button.
Charging systems in a vehicle will compensate
for ambient temperatures by increasing the charging voltage at
low temperatures. Check the vehicle service manual for proper
charging voltages at low temperatures.
1) The tester will first check the battery voltage; it should be
in the range of 13.0V and 14.8V, older vehicles may have
slightly higher voltages. If the voltage is below this the
tester will display “LO” with the FAULT LED lit at end of
test. If the voltage is above the 14.8V then it will display
“HI” with the FAULT LED lit at the end of the test.
2) After checking the voltage, the unit checks the ripple on
the Alternator if the tester determines the ripple to be too
high an indication of a bad diode or stator problem then it
will display “HIA” with the FAULT LED lit at end of test.
3) After the no load test the unit will apply a 70A load, the
operator should see the current increase in the amp
display to reflect this. The test then checks the voltage on
the battery again to make sure it falls in the range
mentioned above. If the unit is above the 14.8V the tester
will display “HI’ with the FAULT LED on. If the voltage
falls below the 13.0V the unit will flash the minimum
voltage and turn on the FAULT LED. At this point it is up
to the technician to determine due to the size of the
alternator or the RPM of the alternator if this is a problem.
If the voltage was within the recommended range of the
test it will display “Good” and the min voltage reading
during the test.
To use the Amp Probe and the Differential Voltage leads when not doing a standard test take the following steps:
1) Make sure the differential voltage leads and the amp probe are not connected. The 6044 zero’s these two items on power-up so any
voltage reading on them now will be considered zero.
2) Connect the unit to the battery. (see figure 10)
3) Connect/install Differential Voltage leads and Amp-Probe into there respective jacks. Amp-probe should not be around any cables at this
time, this would cause the amp-probe to use amp reading at this time to be zero.
4) Turn on the Amp-Probe and press the blue auto zero button on the front. This will remove any memory of magnetism left in the core and
should be pressed before any test using the amp-probe
5) Press Test Selection [2] until the Starter LED is lit.
6) Press Start Test [4] the Starter LED should start flashing.
7) Press the up arrow; now the Differential (external) Voltage will be displayed in the voltage window and the Amp-Probe reading will be
displayed in the Amps window.
8) For negative values the right most decimal point will be lit in the display (235.).
Measuring Maximum values with the Amp-probe and Differential Voltage leads:
1) Make sure the differential voltage leads and the amp probe are not connected. The 6044 zero’s these two items on power-up so any
voltage reading on them now will be considered zero.
2) Connect the unit to the battery. (see figure 10)
3) Connect/install Differential Voltage leads and Amp-Probe into there respective jacks. Amp-probe should not be around any cables at this
time, this would cause the amp-probe to use amp reading at this time to be zero.
4) Turn on the Amp-Probe and press the blue auto zero button on the front. This will remove any memory of magnetism left in the core and
should be pressed before any test using the amp-probe
5) Press Test Selection [2]until the Starter LED is lit.
6) Press Start Test [4] the Starter LED should start flashing.
7) Press the down arrow; the unit is now in the record mode it will look for the maximum and minimum differential voltages and the peak
current measured on the amp-probe. The display will show the active readings on the amp-probe and the differential leads.
8) After testing is done press the Test Select [2] button: the voltage display will now alternate between the maximum and minimum voltage
values recorded while testing, the “MIN VOLTS” LED will lit when displaying the minimum voltage value. The Amp display will show the
maximum current recorded by the amp-probe and light the “MAX. AMPS” LED.
9) To reset press the Test Select [2] button.
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