AAEON AIS-E2-CV1 User Manual

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A d v a n c e d S ys t e m

C o n t r o l l e r

A I S - E 2 - C V 1




Chapter 1 General Information

1.1 Introduction ................................................................ 1-2

1.2 Features .................................................................... 1-3

1.3 Specifications ............................................................ 1-4

Chapter 2 Hardware Installation

2.1 Location of Connectors and Jumpers of the Main Board

......................................................................................... 2-2

2.2 Mechanical Drawing of AIS-E2-CV1 ......................... 2-3

2.3 List of Jumpers ........................................................ 2-5

2.4 List of Connectors ..................................................... 2-6

2.5 Setting Jumpers ....................................................... 2-8

2.6 AT/ATX Mode Selection (ATMODE) ....................... 2-9

2.7 Clear COMS (CLRTC)............................................... 2-9

2.8 COM2 External Power Selection (DIGITALREFENCE)

......................................................................................... 2-9

2.9 LVDS Panel Power Selection (LVDS_VDD_SEL) .... 2-9

2.10 LVDS Brightness Control Type Selection

(L_BRIGHTNESS) ........................................................... 2-9

2.11 LVDS function Enable (LVDS_SWITCH) ................ 2-10

2.12 LVDS Panel Backlight Power Selection

(LCD_POWER_SEL) ...................................................... 2-10

2.13 Watchdog Timer Function Switch (WDT) ................ 2-10

2.14 +12V AUX Power Connector (CON2) ..................... 2-10