AAEON AGD-315D User Manual
Page 45

L C D D i s p l a y
A G D - 3 1 5 D
Serial Interface
EIA 232E (Serial RS-232), DCE configuration. 8 Data
Bits, 1 Stop Bit, No Parity, Full Duplex.
Hardware handshaking: RTS/CTS.
DSR is pulled HIGH (>+3V) by the touch screen
control board when connected and powered. DTR can
be asserted by the host to interrupt the flow of data
from the controller. Note that if the application does not
monitor CTS, then an interval of approximately 5
seconds should be inserted between the issuance of a
reset command and any other command.
Communication Parameters
• Baud Rate 9600 bps
• 8 Data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity only.
Interface - USB
Compliant to USB Revision 1.1. If the USB is connected to the
controller, the controller will communicate over the USB and not
over the serial port. However, the USB will never supply the
power to the touch screen control board. The touch screen
control board can be powered on automatically.
Chapter 4 Driver Installation