AAEON EMB-LN8T User Manual
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M i n i - I T X
E M B - L N 8 T
2.18 Digital I/O Connector (CN6) .................................. 2-14
2.19 SATA Power Connector (CN8) ............................. 2-15
2.20 ATX Power_12V Connector (CN9) ....................... 2-15
2.21 Front Panel Connector (CN10) ............................. 2-15
2.22 RS-232 Serial Port Connector (COM1)................. 2-15
2.23 RS-232 Serial Port Connector (COM2)................. 2-16
2.24 RS-232 Serial Port Connector (COM3)................. 2-16
2.25 RS-232 Serial Port Connector (COM4)................. 2-16
2.26 RS-232 Serial Port Connector (COM5)................. 2-16
2.27 RS-232 Serial Port Connector (COM6)................. 2-17
2.28 Internal PS2 Keyboard and Mouse Connector (KBMS1)
....................................................................................... 2-17
2.29 LPT Port Connector (LPT1) .................................. 2-17
2.30 Microphone Connector (MIC1).............................. 2-18
2.31 USB Port Connector (USB3)................................. 2-18
2.32 USB Port Connector (USB4)................................. 2-18
Chapter 3 AMI BIOS Setup
3.1 System Test and Initialization. .................................. 3-2
3.2 AMI BIOS Setup ........................................................ 3-3
Chapter 4 Driver Installation
4.1 Installation……………………………………………..4-3
Appendix A Programming The Watchdog Timer
A.1 Programming .........................................................A-2
A.2 IT8712 Watchdog Timer Initial Program ................A-6