AAEON PCM-5895 Rev.A User Manual
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C o m p a c t B o a r d
P C M - 5 8 9 5
Chapter 3 Award BIOS Setup
3.1 System Test and Initialization. .................................. 3-2
3.2 Award BIOS Setup .................................................... 3-3
Chapter 4 Driver Installation
4.1 Software Drivers........................................................ 4-2
4.2 Necessary to Know ................................................... 4-3
4.3 Installing VGA Driver ................................................. 4-4
4.4 Installing AES Driver ................................................. 4-5
4.5 Installing PCI to ISA Bridge Driver ............................ 4-6
4.6 Installing LAN Driver.................................................. 4-7
4.7 Ethernet Software Configuration ............................... 4-7
4.8 Installing Audio Driver ............................................... 4-8
Appendix A Programming the Watchdog Timer
A.1 Programming .........................................................A-2
A.2 ITE 8712 Watchdog Timer Initial Program.............A-5
Appendix B I/O Information
B.1 I/O Address Map ....................................................B-2
B.2 1
MB Memory Address Map ................................B-2
B.3 IRQ Mapping Chart ................................................B-3
B.4 DMA Channel Assignments ...................................B-3
Appendix C Mating Connector
C.1 List of Mating Connectors and Cables.................. C-2