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Forum Selection Clause
Any dispute arising out of the sale and/or use of the GEARENCH tool that is the subject of this limited
warranty shall be presented in the form of a claim or lawsuit to the offices of GEARENCH in Clifton, Bosque
County, Texas. No claim or suit may be brought against GEARENCH, arising out of the sale and/or use of the
tool, or arising out of the terms of this warranty, except in such forum. Purchase and/or use of the
GEARENCH tool makes you subject to the benefits and limitations of this limited warranty. Accordingly, any
writ, judgment or other enforcement, obtained from a jurisdiction, county, parish, state or federal court or other
country, other that from the forum identified above, shall be void and unenforceable against GEARENCH.

Arbitration Clause
In the event of dispute or claim arises out of the sale and/or use of the GEARENCH tool that is the subject of
this limited warranty, or arises out of the interpretation or enforcement of the terms and conditions of this
limited warranty, such dispute shall be submitted to binding arbitration pursuant to the rules of the American
Arbitration Association. If required to accomplish the purpose of this Arbitration clause, the purchaser hereby
expressly waives any right to demand trial by jury.

Complete Agreement
This express limited warranty contains the entire agreement regarding express or implied warranties related to
the GEARENCH tool that is the subject of it. No writing or language contained in the purchase order or any
other document of the purchaser, or invoice of GEARENCH or any intermediate seller, shall be construed as
modifying, in any way, the rights and liabilities contained in this limited warranty. Gearench expressly
disclaims any obligations expressed in any customer purchase order or document that are contrary to the terms
and limitations of this warranty.

If any term or limitation contained in this limited warranty is deemed unenforceable by law, then the term shall
be severed from the remaining portions of the limited warranty which shall remain enforceable.

All communications to GEARENCH regarding the use of the tool and any aspect of the sale of the tool of this
limited warranty should be addressed to GEARENCH.

GEARENCH · 4450 South Highway 6 · P.O. Box 192 · Clifton, TX 76634