Warning – GEARENCH REA025 PETOL Suckerod Elevator User Manual
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Safe Practices and Procedures
"It is the responsibility of the employer to train the employee in the proper selection and use
of tubing elevators, and to ensure that they are selected and used in that manner. A part of
the job instruction program should therefore be detailed training in the proper use of tubing
"Employers are responsible for the safe condition of tools and equipment used by employees,
including tools and equipment which may be furnished by employees." - (Source: OSHA
While we pride ourselves on the quality and dependability we build into GEARENCH™
tools and products, we caution users that it is only prudent to know and follow the simple
rules of safety when using our products, or anyone else's.
Always follow safe practices and procedures in accordance with the recommendations of
OSHA, The National Safety Council (NSC), The Hand Tools Institute (HTI), The National
Association of Chain Manufacturers (NACM), The International Association of Drilling
Contractors (IADC), Etc. All applicable Governmental rules, regulations or restrictions, now
in effect or which may be promulgated, take precedence over the suggestions in this
publication. The information in this publication is designed to supplement standard safe
practices and procedures, not in lieu of, or replacement thereof.
Improper use of sucker rod elevators may result in injury or death. Follow
safe practices listed below.
(Source OSHA.gov)
otential hazards when installing and removing production sucker rods include:
Hazard Possible
1 - Getting fingers or hands pinched in or
1 - Ensure that workers are instructed in
between rod wrenches, rod elevators, tongs,
proper hand and finger placement when
rod hook, rod transfer, and rod finger.
making and breaking rod connections or
setting rods on the rod fingers.