Installation of pump – all models, Trouble-shooting – Liberty Pumps HT450-Series User Manual
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Installation of Pump – All Models
Tools Required:
Pipe wrench
Regular flat bladed screw driver
Hacksaw (For replacement or removal of existing rigid piping.)
Removal of Old Pump:
WARNING: Disconnect pump from power source before handling.
Separate the discharge pipe at either the check valve or at the union. If neither a check valve nor a union is part
of the existing discharge pipe, cut the pipe with a hacksaw and remove the pump (a union or check valve will
need to be installed at this cut).
Set the new pump in place making sure the float switch has adequate clearance and will not hang-up on the pit
wall. The float must be
free to move throughout its travel and not contacting the pump body, piping, or other
A 1-1/2” threaded discharge is provided on the pump for connection to the discharge pipe. Do not reduce the
discharge size to less than 1-1/4”, as this will affect pump flow and performance.
NOTE: Galvanized, steel, or
copper piping capable of handling high temperature fluids should be used. Do not use PVC in high
temperature applications.
Connect the discharge pipe to the threaded discharge of the pump. HAND TIGHTEN ONLY. Over tightening
may cause the pump housing to crack.
Install a union or other means of separating the discharge pipe just above the floor to facilitate removal of the
pump if necessary.
A check valve is recommended just above or in place of the union to prevent the
backflow of water after each pump cycle. NOTE: Use only high-temperature rated plumbing components.
Connect additional pipe as necessary to direct the discharge to the desired location. Discharge should be kept as
short as possible with a minimum number of turns
For manual submersible models:
Manual (switchless) models may be operated by directly plugging into an
approved electrical outlet. To prevent excessive seal wear and overheating, pumps should not be run dry. A
minimum 4-1/2” water level above the bottom of pump is required to prevent pump damage.
HT453 comes factory-equipped with a float switch
mounted to the pump. This model has two cords - one
to the float switch and the other to the pump motor.
The switch cord has a series (piggyback) plug enabling
the pump (motor) cord to be plugged into the back of it
(see Fig. at right). The purpose of this design is to
allow temporary manual operation of the pump if
If manual models are to be used with an optional control device, follow the instructions provided with that control
and make power connections per those instructions. Set the turn-off level at 4-1/2” above bottom of pump or
Also, ensure that optional control device to be used is rated for high temp applications.
10. For added protection, consider the addition of a back-up pump, as well as an alarm in applications where loss of
pump function could result in property damage. If an alarm is used, it must be connected to a separate electrical
Any additional devices must also be rated for high temperature applications to ensure proper
Always disconnect the pump from power source before handling. This guide is designed to
help identify reasons for potential operating problems. It is not a service guide.
Dismantling of pump voids
warranty. Servicing of pump other than simple cleaning of pump inlet or impeller should be referred to the factory
or its authorized service centers.
NOTE: The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for damage or injury due to disassembly in the field.
Fig. 1 Piggyback plug installation.