Gorman-Rupp Pumps S6C1-E35 460/3 1401671 and up User Manual
Page 44
PAGE E - 18
pump motor and cable must be com
pletely waterproof. Injury or death may
result from alterations.
Use oil to lightly lubricate the outside of the pump
power cable (2), and the bores of the terminal
housing (8), terminal gland (1) and gland bushing
(6) for ease of assembly. Slide the terminal gland,
cable grip (3), gland bushing (6), terminal washer
(7) and terminal housing (8) on the cable, allowing
approximately 3 ft. (1 m) of cable to extend beyond
the terminal housing. Temporarily tape the green
and yellow ground wires to the cable.
Sealing Terminal Housing Connections
With Silicone Adhesive
(Figure E-2)
Do not attempt to operate this pump un
less the power cable leads are properly
sealed in the terminal housing. Mois
ture entering the terminal housing
could cause a short circuit, resulting in
pump damage and possible serious in
jury or death to personnel.
When shipped from the factory, the cable leads
and terminal collars (12) were encapsulated in
heat‐shrink tubing (10), and bonded to the terminal
plate (13) with silicone adhesive to provide a water‐
tight seal. If this insulating material has been dam
aged or removed during maintenance, it must be
replaced using materials and equipment approved
by Gorman‐Rupp (see the parts list for repair kits).
Heat‐shrink tubing must be used to seal the power
and control cable leads to the terminals before
bonding the leads to the terminal plate. If silicone
adhesive is not available in the field, a commercially
available potting kit may be used to bond the con
nections to the terminal plate. If this alternate seal
ing method is used, refer to the instructions in Seal
ing Terminal Plate Connections With Potting
Compound. Use only materials and heating equip
ment approved by Gorman‐Rupp for field repairs.
Before resealing the power and control cables, re
move all the old adhesive material (or potting com
pound) from the leads, terminal collars, and termi
nal plate. Inspect all parts for damage, and replace
as required. If the rubber bonding material on the
terminal plate (13) is severely worn or cracked, the
terminal plate must be replaced. If the bonding ma
terial has been noticeably compressed, it should
be supplemented with two gaskets contained in
the overhaul gasket kit (see Options listed in the
Parts List manual).
Clean the cable leads and terminal plate in the ar
eas to be sealed with cleaning solvent. Incomplete
sealing will occur if the surfaces are dirt, oil or
grease coated.
Assemble the terminal posts (14), dyna seal wash
ers (16 ), and terminal collars (12) to the terminal
plate as shown in Figure E-2.
Both the power cable and motor conductor leads
should be tinned prior to reassembly.
Slide a length of heat‐shrink tubing (10) up over
each of the power cable leads. Insert the leads in
the terminal collars and secure them using the al
len head setscrews (11). Slide the tubing down
each lead until the terminals are covered, and the
tubing contacts the terminal plate. The tubing
must extend up the leads far enough to ensure a
good seal.
Carefully heat each tube with a commercially avail
able hot air gun capable of producing 750
_C), and shrink the tubes around the cable
leads and terminal collars.
Use only Dow‐Corning 737 Silicone Adhe
sive (see the Parts List Manual for the part
number) or potting compound for sealing
terminal housing connections. Use of un
approved sealing products will void the
pump warranty.