Operation - section c – Gorman-Rupp Pumps SE2D3 115V 1P 1483930 and up User Manual
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Review all SAFETY information in Section A.
This pump is designed to handle most
non‐volatile, non‐flammable liquids. Do
not attempt to pump any liquids for
which your pump is not approved, or
which may damage the pump or endan
ger personnel as a result of pump fail
ure. Consult the factory for specific ap
plication data.
The pump motor and optional accesso
ries are not designed to be explosion‐
proof. Do not operate in an explosive at
Follow the instructions on all tags, labels and de
cals attached to the pump.
Pump Performance
Since operation of the pump motor is de
pendent upon the quality and performance
of the electrical controls, the pump warran
ty is valid only when controls have been
specified or provided by The Gorman‐
Rupp Company.
Refer to the pump performance curve on page E‐1
for the specific performance for your pump.
Pump Controls
The pump is driven by an integral 115 VAC, 60
hertz, 1 phase motor equipped with thermal motor
overheat protection.
If the pump is wired to an optional manual starting
switch, the toggle switch within the rainproof en
closure will start and stop the pump.
If the pump power cable is wired into an optional
automatic liquid level control box, pump operation
is controlled by a selector switch. In the OFF posi
tion the switch prevents all operations of the pump.
In the HAND position, it allows the pump to run
continuously. In the AUTO position, it allows the
pump to be controlled automatically by an optional
liquid level device installed in the sump or wet well
(see Liquid Level Devices in Section B).
Short circuit protection for the optional control box
is provided by a customer‐furnished fuse or break
er within the circuit. If the breaker trips repeatedly,
operational problems exists. See TROUBLE
SHOOTING, Section D.
The pump motor and control box are not
designed to be explosion‐proof. Do not
operate in an explosive atmosphere. Im
proper location of a non‐explosion
proof control box could result in de
struction of equipment, injury or death
to personnel.
See the operating instructions furnished with the
control box and with other optional accessories
and controls before attempting to start the pump.