Pump and seal disassemblyand reassembly – Gorman-Rupp Pumps PA4A60-4045T 1501804 and up User Manual
Page 37

PAGE E − 15
Review all SAFETY information in Section A.
Follow the instructions on all tags, label and de-
cals attached to the pump.
This pump requires little service due to its rugged,
minimum-maintenance design. However, if it be-
comes necessary to inspect or replace the wearing
parts, follow these instructions which are keyed to
the illustrations (see Figures 1 through 8) and the
corresponding Parts Lists. Maintenance and repair
instructions for the engine and air compressor are
covered separately in specific literature supplied
by the manufacturers.
This manual will alert personnel to known proce-
dures which require special attention, to those
which could damage equipment, and to those
which could be dangerous to personnel. However,
this manual cannot possibly anticipate and provide
detailed precautions for every situation that might
occur during maintenance of the unit. Therefore, it
is the responsibility of the owner/maintenance per-
sonnel to ensure that only safe, established main-
tenance procedures are used, and that any proce-
dures not addressed in this manual are performed
only after establishing that neither personal safety
nor pump integrity are compromised by such prac-
Some pump service functions may be performed
without separating the pump end assembly from
the engine. However, the priming chamber (12,
Figure 3) and discharge check valve assembly (7,
Figure 3) must be removed to service most pump
components. The following instructions assume
complete disassembly of the pump is required.
Before attempting to service the pump, shut down
the engine and take precautions to ensure that it
will remain inoperative. Close all valves in the suc-
tion and discharge lines and drain the pump cas-
ing by removing the casing drain plug (10, Figure
4). Clean and reinstall the drain plug.
This manual will alert personnel to
known procedures which require spe-
cial attention, to those which could
damage equipment, and to those which
could be dangerous to personnel.
ever, this manual cannot possibly antici-
pate and provide detailed instructions
and precautions for every situation that
might occur during maintenance of the
unit. Therefore, it is the responsibility of
the owner/maintenance personnel to
ensure that only safe, established main-
tenance procedures are used, and that
any procedures not addressed in this
manual are performed only after estab-
lishing that neither personal safety nor
pump integrity are compromised by
such practices.
Before attempting to open or service the
1. Familiarize yourself with this man-
2. Shut down the engine and discon-
nect the positive battery cable to
ensure that the pump will remain
3. Allow the pump to completely cool
if overheated.
4. Check the temperature and make
sure it is cool before opening any
covers, plates, gauges, or plugs.
5. Close the suction and discharge
6. Vent the pump slowly and cau-
7. Drain the pump.
Use only replacement parts provided or
approved by Gorman-Rupp. Use of non-