Safety - section a – Gorman-Rupp Pumps 2D-E.50 1P 1485341 and up User Manual

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This information applies to D Series
electric motor driven diaphragm
pumps. Refer to the manual accompa-
nying the motor before attempting to
begin operation.

Before attempting to open or service the

1. Familiarize yourself with this man-


2. Lock out and tag out incoming

power to the motor to ensure that
the pump will remain inoperative.

3. Allow the pump to completely cool

if overheated.

4. Drain the pump.

This pump is designed to handle non-
volatile non-flammable liquids contain-
ing specified entrained solids. Do not
attempt to pump volatile, corrosive, or
flammable liquids which may damage
the pump or endanger personnel as a
result of pump failure.

After the pump has been installed, block
the wheels and secure the pump to pre-
vent creeping. Make certain that the
pump and all piping or hose connec-
tions are tight, properly supported and
secure before operation.

All electrical connections must be in ac-
cordance with the National Electric
Code. If there is a conflict between in-
structions provided and N.E.C. specifi-
cations, N.E.C. specifications shall take
precedence. All electrical equipment
supplied with this pump was in confor-
mance with N.E.C. requirements in ef-
fect on the date of manufacture. Failure
to follow applicable specifications, or
substitution of electrical parts not sup-
plied or approved by the manufacturer,
can result in severe injury or death.

Do not operate the pump without the ec-
centric and coupling guards in place
over the rotating parts. Exposed rotat-
ing parts can catch clothing, fingers, or
tools, causing severe injury to person-

The electrical power used to operate
this pump is high enough to cause inju-
ry or death. Obtain the services of a
qualified electrician to make all electri-
cal connections. Make certain the pump
and motor are properly grounded; never
use gas pipe as an electrical ground. Be
sure that the incoming power matches
the voltage and phase of the motor be-
fore making motor connections. Do not
run the pump if the voltage is not within