Gorman-Rupp Pumps T10A71S-B /FM User Manual
Page 29

PAGE E - 7
Suction Head And Wear Plate Removal
(Figure E‐1)
To remove the suction head, support it with a suit
able hoist and sling and remove the hardware
(42,43, 44 and 45) securing it to the pump casing.
Remove the suction head gasket (40).
If the wear plate (38) does not slide easily from the
casing bore, position a wood or soft metal wedge
between the impeller vanes and the wear plate,
and tap the wedge with a hammer. Turn the impel
ler every 45
_, repeating the process until the wear
plate is “walked” out of the pump casing.
Rotating Assembly Removal
(Figure E‐2)
The rotating assembly (2, Figure 1) may be re
moved from either side of the casing; however, it is
recommended that it be removed through the suc
tion head opening.
The impeller (1) should be loosened while the rotat
ing assembly is still secured to the pump casing.
Before loosening the impeller, remove the seal cav
ity drain plug (31A) and drain the seal lubricant.
This will prevent the oil in the seal cavity from es
caping as the impeller is loosened. Clean and rein
stall the seal cavity drain plug.
Immobilize the impeller by wedging a block of
wood between the vanes, and remove the impeller
capscrew and washer (27 and 28). Install a lathe
dog on the drive end of the shaft (18) with the “V”
notch positioned over the shaft keyway. Strike the
lathe dog sharply in a counterclockwise direction
(when facing the drive end of the shaft). When the
impeller breaks loose, remove the wood block and
lathe dog. Do not fully unscrew the impeller from
the shaft at this time.
(Figure E‐1)
An optional disassembly tool for removing and in
stalling the rotating assembly is available from the
factory. If improvised tools are used, be sure they
are heavy enough for safe use and will not damage
the pump.
Remove the inner hardware (25 and 26) from the
casing ring (22). If the removal tool is used, follow
the instructions packaged with it, and pull the rotat
ing assembly from the pump casing (see Figure
E‐3 for removal tool use). If the removal tool is not
used, install three of the inner capscrews in the
jacking holes in the casing ring, and use them to
press the rotating assembly into the pump casing
until the bearing housing is free.
Remove the jacking screws from the casing ring.
Remove the outer hardware (23 and 24) and shim
sets (21). Separate the casing ring from the pump
casing. Tie and tag the shim sets for ease of reas
After the rotating assembly is loosened, screw a
5/8‐11 UNC X 16 inch long threaded rod into the
hole in the impeller shaft. Support the drive end of
the shaft with a 1‐13/16” (46 mm) minimum I.D.
piece of pipe or a set of handles as shown in Figure
E‐3, and slide the complete rotating assembly
through the suction head opening. Once free, use
a suitable hoist and sling and attach it to the lifting
eye provided at the top of the bearing housing to
move the rotating assembly to a suitable work area
for further disassembly.