SM Pro Audio Q-ADAT: Analog to ADAT Converter User Manual

Page 5

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LED indicator
Switch and indicator led are located on the right hand side of the front panel. The unit will
be powered on when the switch is configured in the down position. The led will illuminate
to indicate that the power is switched on.

5. Q-ADAT Back panel
ADAT optical output
On the rear of the Q-ADAT there is 1 x ADAT® optical light-pipe output connector. It is co-
vered with a small black plastic protector plug. Please remove the plastic connector plug
before connecting your optical cable. Simply connect a standard optical cable from this
output to your des- tination devices ADAT® input.

Word clock input and output
Two BNC connectors are provided on the rear panel for input and output of word clock
signal. Word clock sync allows multiple digital devices to keep the audio in sync. Each de-
vice's internal clock operates at a sample frequency slightly different from its neighbor,
even if all devices are set to the same nominal rate. As a result, audible pops and clicks
may result when un-synchro- nized digital sources are mixed. We recommend using 75
Ohm coaxial cable for your connections.

Sync selector switch
The sync selector switch determines which word clock generator the Q-ADAT receives its
sync from. If it is set to INT(internal/master), the Q-ADAT generates its own clock inter-
nally. It will also pass it’s generated clock out the W/C output connector for connection to
other devices. When set in the EXT(external/slave) position the Q-ADAT is set to operate
using another devices generated word clock signal. The word clock signal is also passed
through the W/C output for daisy chaining other devices. Daisy chaining word clock sig-
nal will also have it’s own sync problems when using many devices or long cables. Ter-
mination at the end of your word clock chain is also necessary using a 75 Ohm resister.
It is recommended if you have many devices that you use a dedicated master clock ge-
nerator that individually supplies word clock to each device.

Sample rate selector switch
The Q-ADAT can operate at either 44.1kHz or 48kHz sample rate. This is the sample
rates allowed by the ADAT® format. Please select the desired sample rate for your cur-
rent project. Your selection should match the sample rates of all other digital equipment.