SM Pro Audio M-Patch Active-1: Precision Monitor Control Plus Studio Talkback and USB Audio I/O User Manual
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SM Pro Audio
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ACTIVE-1 Manual
4.3 Outputs
Outputs is the description of the 4 output connectors. They are line level signal for plugging in your
active studio monitors or to the inputs of a power amplifier that is driving your passive monitors.
• Outputs A and B are stereo 6.5mm or ¼ inch jacks
• Output 2T (2 Track) is the 6.5mm stereo output that includes the talkback signal
Source D is the USB output with Legacy driver built in. USB does not need mains power to
operate. USB output always records what is selected on the MAIN SOURCE input.
4.4 Footswitch (TALK BACK CONTROL)
Plug a 6.5mm or ¼ inch jack footswitch into this socket. Pressing the footswitch initiates hands-
free activation of the talkback feature.