SM Pro Audio PM8: Passive 8 channel summing box User Manual

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3.3 Mains Voltage & front panel power switch

Mains Voltage
Important - Before you connect your PM8 to the mains power supply, please make sure that your
local voltage matches the voltage required by the unit!

The PM8 has a professional internal power supply suitable for operation between AC 110/115v –
AC 220/230/240v. A voltage configuration switch on the left hand side of the rear panel should be
set to match the appropriate voltage of your mains power supply. Simply slide the selector switch
with your finger or a small flat-blade screwdriver to either the 115v or 230v position to configure the
unit accordingly.

To connect the PM8 to your mains power source simply connect the included standard
IEC mains power cable to the PM8’s three (3) pin power connector socket.

* If you are utilizing the ‘Passive Output’ pair mains power is NOT required. The
‘Passive Output’ delivers a pure passive attenuated signal. Typically this output would
be connected to a ‘make-up’ gain stage device such as a quality 2 channel outboard
microphone pre-amplifier. If you will be using the PM8’s built in ‘make up’ stage +24dB
outputs (Master 1 & 2 output pairs) then power will be required.

Power on/off switch & LED power indicator
The PM8’s power switch can be found on the right hand side of the front panel.
To enable power to the PM8 or ‘turn on’, simply place the power on/off switch into
the down position. The LED power indicator will illuminate to indicate the PM8’s
operational state as ‘on’ and ready for operation.

To power down or ‘turn off’ the PM8, simply place the power on/off switch into the
up position. The LED power indicator will NOT illuminate to indicate the PM8’s
operational state as ‘off’.

* It’s always good practice to protect your ears, and other audio equipment by taking appropriate
care when powering up any audio equipment. Being aware of your gain structure, and performing
a structured power up sequence with your equipment will help to avoid unexpected audio signals
bursts. It’s a good idea to power up devices in sequence from the start of the signal chain to the
end of the signal chain.

PM8 front panel