Xylem IM 31 Laing UCT-909-Tankless Supplemental User Manual

Xylem Pumps

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The Laing UCT-909-TANKLESS is a timer and temperature controlled circulator.

Both the timer and the temperature sensor must be used for the proper operation

of the pump and heater.

1.Install return line and pump in accordance with LAING’S recirc pump installation Manual IM-16.

2.Both the supply and return lines should be a minimum of 3/4” to allow for the optimal flow through the tankless heater.

3.The return Line should be connected to the cold water input to the tankless heater.

4.The pump a can be installed in a vertical or horizontal position with the output of the pump flowing in an upward


5.Pipe insulation is recommended on both the supply and return lines.

6.Slip Temperature Sensor through pipe insulation. (Fig1)

7.Attach temperature sensor to return line piping using the enclosed zip tie (Fig2) Ensure that you have a good surface

bond between the pipe and temperature sensor.

8.Secure pipe insulation to piping. (Fig3)

9.Set pump timer by rotation the dial on the timer clock wise until the correct time of day. ( i.e. 8:00 A.M = 8 and 8:00P.M.

= 20) aligns with the indicator on the side of the timer box.

10.Pull all of the corresponding tabs outward during the times of day you wish the pump to operate.

11.Set the pump switch to the “TIMER” position.

12.Your system is now operational. The pump will turn on when the pump senses a temperature below 104°F and off

when it senses a temperature above 114°F.

The system will cycle on and off being controlled by the temperature sensor. You should select the times of day you

wish the pump to cycle based on your heaviest usage of hot water. Multiple on/off periods can be selected in any 24

hour period.

It is not advised to allow the system to cycle 24 hours a day





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