YSI MultiLab IDS 4110 pH Electrode User Manual
Page 5

Commissioning, measuring, calibration
– Between measurements, rinse the electrode with the solution that fol-
lows. Alternatively, you can also rinse the electrode with deionized wa-
ter and then carefully dab it dry.
To measure in aqueous solutions, it is recommended to immerse the elec-
trode in a vertical or slightly tilted position.
Observe the correct depth of immersion and make sure the contact be-
tween the junction and test sample is thorough. The junction is in the area
of the bottom end of the shaft (see arrow).
Caution: Only the shaft part of the combination electrode may be im-
For measurements in aqueous solutions, provide approximately the same
stirring conditions for measuring as for calibrating.
The frequency of subsequent calibrations depends on the application. Many
meters provide an option where you can enter a calibration interval. After the
calibration interval has expired, the meter will automatically remind you of the
due calibration.