Camp Chef TKYCB Infusion Roaster (Turkey Cannon) with Brine Kit User Manual
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pRepaRe poultRy:
1. Trim skin and fat away from the neck, tail and tail cavity. Remove any ice
and fat from inside of the bird. Excess fat can produce too much oil and
can cause flare-up in your grill or oven.
2. Remove giblets from inside the bird and open a hole under the neck into
the cavity.
3. Rinse your bird in clean cold water and pat dry with a paper towel.
Season if desired with injection marinade and/or dry rub on skin.*
4. Place bird on the Turkey Cannon with the cylinder inserted into the cavity
of the bird. Insert a wedge of onion or lemon into the neck cavity of the
bird to retain moisture inside the bird.
*bRine metHod
Bring one qt. of water to a boil, add brine and stir until completely
dissolved. Remove from heat. In separate container mix brine solution with
5 qts. ice water. (Tip: Add ice cubes to cool down. Under 40 degrees). Pour
into brine bag with turkey. Seal the bag remove the air, and refrigerate 12-
24 hours. Remove turkey from brine, rinse and pat dry. Combine finishing
season mix with 4 tbsp of softened butter. Rub mixture on turkey and
underneath skin.
pouR liQuid into tuRkey cannon:
Take your favorite beverage, open the lid and pour 1 to 1 1/2 cups of the
liquid into the Turkey Cannon. The liquid can also be injected into the birds
for added flavor. Add one tablespoon of dry seasoning to canned liquid for
added flavor. Discard liquid from Turkey Cannon after use.
cooking on an outdooR gRill:
A 14 pound turkey will cook in approximately 2-3 hours on the grill.
Outdoor elements such as wind, rain, etc can effect cooking times. Follow
manufacturer’s instructions for lighting your grill. Set temperature controls
on medium. Check the internal temperature of the turkey after 1 hour and
every 15 minutes thereafter until the turkey is done. Allow turkey to rest for
10 minutes before carving and serving.
cooking in a conventional oven:
When using the Turkey Cannon in a conventional oven, remove all racks
except bottom rack. Place the bottom rack on the lowest level. Place the
Turkey Cannon on a walled baking sheet or roasting pan to catch drippings
and keep your oven clean. Roast the turkey at 325-350°F until done. Check
turkey temperature after 1 hour and every 15 minutes thereafter with
a calibrated meat thermometer until done. Allow turkey to rest for 10
minutes before carving.
cHeck tempeRatuRe:
The Turkey Cannon’s unique design pushes heat into the center of the bird
drastically speeding up the cooking process. Check the temperature after
1 hour and every 15 minute thereafter to ensure that the poultry doesn’t
over cook.
• To check the temperature, insert a calibrated meat thermometer into
the thigh. Do not touch bone or fat to ensure an accurate reading.
Temperature should read at least 165°F in thigh and
170°F in the breast.
1. Use a walled baking sheet or formed aluminum foil roasting pan
to prevent flare ups and to catch drippings.
2. For a stronger flavor, inject and rub the bird at least four hours before
use. Place covered in the refrigerator and let stand until use. This will
allow the marinade or seasoning to saturate the meat and spread the
flavor throughout the whole bird. Keep the turkey cool, 40°F or below
is recommended.
3. To add additional flavor, add one tablespoon of seasoning and/or
1/4 of a cup of lemon juice to the liquid.
4. Seal in Juices Method - Cook the bird in a conventional oven at 425°F for
30 minutes. Reduce heat to 350°F and cook until done.
5. Perfect Skin Method - Roast bird at 350°F. Baste with butter or olive oil
every 15 minutes. Raise the cooking temperature to 400°F in the last 15
to 20 minutes of cooking. This will give the turkey a crisper,
browner skin.
6. 18 lb or larger turkeys may need to cook with the breasts down. Place a
onion or an apple under the breasts to support it.
smoking (outdooR gRills only):
1. Soak 1 cup of wood chips in water for 30 minutes. Wrap wood chips in a
single layer of aluminum foil. Cut 10-12 small vent holes in the top of foil
wrapper to allow smoke to escape. Place wrapper near poultry on grill.
Follow cooking instructions for roasting.
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