C2G 52065 Audio CrossPlay User Manual
Page 3

1. Connect the USB Mini-B end of the wall charger to the Audio CrossPlay and plug
the other end into a wall outlet. Or connect the USB Mini-B end of the USB
cable into the Audio CrossPlay and the USB A Male end into an available USB
port on your computer.
2. Connect your audio inputs such as your MP3 players, CD/DVD players into the
ports labeled In1 and In2 using 3.5mm (1/8 inch) audio cables.
3. Connect your audio outputs such as your headphone and speakers into the ports
labeled Out1 and Out2 using standard 3.5mm (1/8 inch) audio cables.
4. You can now listen to your audio inputs on either of the audio outputs. You can
listen to one or both inputs over one or both outputs simultaneously. Or you can
independently mute one or both inputs at the same time when not in use.
Please note: Only one 3.5mm audio cable is included. Additional cables can be
purchased at www.cablestogo.com if needed. Part #21062 or #27068 are two of the
50 3.5mm cables offered on out website.
Application Diagrams