Asus security protect manager (cont.) – Asus F2J User Manual

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ASUS Security Protect Manager (Cont.)

Improves Windows system security

ASUS Security Protect Manager improves system security and productivity

by consolidating user passwords and network accounts within a single data

unit called User Identity. Strong Multifactor Authentication and encryption

protect User Identity and allow secure and convenient access to registered

applications after logon to the ASUS Security Protect Manager.
ASUS Security Protect Manager is designed to provide a secure and con-

venient computing environment. A user can consolidate all passwords and

network accounts into a single data unit called User Identity. Security and

privacy are strictly enforced with ASUS Security Protect Manager, so all

private data is available only to its owner. User identity is always encrypted

and can be protected with Multifactor Authentication
ASUS Security Protect Manager enhances user convenience and productiv-

ity with Single Sign On (SSO) functionality. SSO can store user names and

passwords for an unlimited number of applications and automatically submits

them when required. With SSO the user no longer needs to remember the growing number of passwords

for Internet and Windows applications.
ASUS Security Protect Manager increases system security through the use of Multifactor Authentication

Policy. A system administrator can assign multifactor authentication policies to other users and adminis-

trators. Multifactor authentication policies define authentication methods and credentials that are required

to log on to the system and ASUS Security Protect Manager. Authentication methods include password,

TPM password, fingerprint, smart card, or virtual token. Policy can force single or multiple authentica-

tion methods or can let the user select from a defined list of authentication methods.


ASUS Security Protect Manager e-Wallet is an electronic wallet which stores

all of your personal information used for online transactions, including name,

address, and credit card data. It is similar to using an actual wallet, except

far more convenient and secured using your identity.
e-Wallet is designed to make online purchases quick, easy, and secure. It

can automatically fill in your personal and financial information when mak-

ing a purchase online. You can manage multiple addresses, phone numbers,

email addresses, and credit cards and then easily select from these choices

at the time of purchase. You simply open your e-Wallet, and with a single

click, provide the needed information. Of course, who you give access to

this information is entirely up to you.

Right-click the ASUS Security Protect

Manager icon on the taskbar for a menu of


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