I/o device configuration (sub-menu), Configuring the bios 75, Ir port: [2f8h/irq3 – Asus S1B User Manual

Page 75: Mode: [fir, Dma channel: [1

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Configuring the BIOS


I/O Device Configuration (sub-menu)

I t e m S p e c i f i c H e l p

I / O D e v i c e C o n f i g u r a t i o n

I R P o r t

[ 2 F 8 H / I R Q 3 ]

M o d e

[ F I R ]

D M A C h a n n e l

[ 1 ]

P a r a l l e l P o r t :

[ 3 7 8 H / I R Q 7 ]

M o d e :

[ E C P + E P P ]

E C P D M A S e l e c t :

[ 3 ]

< E n t e r > t o s e l e c t t h e

I / O A d d r e s s & I R Q f o r

I n f r a r e d .

NOTE: The presence of sub-items in this menu is dependent on certain relevant settings.

WARNING! Changing the default address and IRQ settings for Serial Port or Parallel
Port can cause conflicts with other system devices or installed peripherals.

IR Port: [2F8H/IRQ3]

This field allows you to configure the Notebook PC’s serial IR port. To enable this port, select an
address that does not conflict with another port. A conflict will be noted by red asterisks next to this
item and the item in conflict with. The configuration options are:
[3F8H/IRQ4] [2F8H/IRQ3] [3E8H/IRQ4] [2E8H/IRQ3] [Disabled]

Mode: [FIR]

The Mode field allows you to select either Standard Infrared (SIR) or Fast Infrared (FIR) commu-
nication mode. The configuration options are: [SIR] [FIR]

DMA Channel: [1]

The DMA Channel field allows you to configure the Parallel port DMA Channel for the selected
ECP mode. The configuration options are: [1] [3]

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