QTECH EZ-60 User Manual
Page 4

SUBTOTALING (Accumulation Memory):
Although the EZ-60’s count capacity is limited to the scale’s maximum weight capacity of 60
pounds, it has the ability to maintain a running subtotal up to a maximum of 999,999 coins. The
scale accomplishes this by adding the count of each new container of coins to the total of the
previous ones. Here are step-by-step instructions, again using quarters as an example:
1. - Start the Subtotal
Place the first container of coins to be counted on the scale.
After the quantity is displayed in the QUANTITY window,
press the M+ key. The scale will display the total number of
quarters in the QUANTITY window and will show the number
of newly added coins in the DENOMINATION window. Press
the 3 key to add the count to the running subtotal.
2. - Add to the Subtotal
Remove the first container and replace with the next one.
Press the M+ key. The value displayed in the QUANTITY
window will be the accumulated subtotal (container 1 +
container 2). This value will display for about 3 seconds and
then revert to the quantity on the scale at the present time.
Proceed in this fashion with each additional lot.
3. - Recall the Subtotal
Although the subtotal quantity will display for only 3 seconds,
you can recall it at any time. Remove everything from the
scale and press the TOTAL key. Both the subtotal and the
most recent count will display again for 3 seconds.
4. - Clear the Subtotal
Remove everything from the scale and press the MC key.
NOTE: When in Subtotaling Mode the scale will only accept one “press” of the M+ key per batch. This
eliminates any chance of duplicating a count by inadvertently pressing the key more than once while
the same container of coins are on the scale.
The number 7, 8, and 9 keys are user-programmable. You may assign them to count tokens or
other types of coins. Here is the procedure:
1 - Remove everything from the scale, turn it on, and wait until the initialization is complete; the
DENOMINATION, QUANTITY, and TOTAL windows will each display “0”.
2 - Press COIN CAL key and immediately press the TOKEN key 4 times; “AAAA” will appear in
the QUANTITY Window.
3 - Press COIN CAL key and then press either the 7, 8, or 9 key (your choice).