QTech Data Systems DNP3 RTU User Manual
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DATRAN XL4 DNP3 RTU – Quick Start Guide – v1 – May 2012
Tel: +64 3 3663713
DNP3 Configuration
The factory default settings for the XL4 DNP RTU are as follows:
Master (base station) Address
= 1
Slave (XL4 DNP3 RTU) Address
= 2
Allow Unsolicited Messages
DNP3 Communications through the RS232A port at 9600 baud with no parity.
DNP3 is not currently available on the port labeled RS232B
These values are easy to reconfigure using the Workbench Configuration Tool.
With Workbench installed and running, connect the USB cable to the port labeled CNFG
on the XL4 DNP3 RTU and to a USB port on the PC.
The DNP3 configuration can be found under the “Communications” branch of the
Workbench Configuration Tool. DNP3 protocol can be configured by selecting DNP3 as
the port function on either the RS232A port or the Ethernet port, but not both. In-fact it will
be removed from the list of possible options for Ethernet if it’s already selected on RS232A
and vice-versa.
Ethernet configuration uses a static IP address, by default it is
This should be changed to a free IP address along with the Netmask and Gateway
settings suitable for your network; these should be obtained from your Network
Administrator. In order to setup a static IP address the RTU has a unique MAC address
that will be needed by your Network Administrator.