Q-tech, Qt2010 mcxo – Q-Tech QT2010 User Manual

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Pinout Description

Pin #1

Frequency output. Depends on specification part number, Frequency output can be HCMOS or Sine Wave. HCMOS output

has 10 kOhm in parallel with 15pF load. Sine Wave output has 50 Ohm load.

Frequency Output range is 5MHz to 100MHz.

Pin #3:

Case Ground. This pin provides negative voltage (0V) to the MCXO. It is connected to the oscillator case to reduce EMI.

Pin #5:

Vc/Reference Input. This input can be configured as Voltage Control or Reference. The configuration is one time

programming at the factory according to customer request. In case of Voltage Control setup, by providing voltage within range

of 0 to +3.3V output Frequency on the both Frequency and timing outputs will be changed within range of +/-2.5PPM. Vc

slope is positive. To get nominal frequency 1.65V on this input has to be applied. This function is used to compensate MCXO

aging. In case of Reference Input setup, 10MHz signal should be applied to the input. When 10MHz signal (1V p-p min) is

provided to the pin, MCXO starts aging correction routine and synchronizes both frequency and timing mode outputs to the

reference signal. The routine takes about 10-15 seconds. After frequency is synchronized MCXO continues to operate as

normal. In order to perform synchronization again, the reference should be disconnected and connected one more time.

Precision of synchronization is +/-5PPB.

Pin #6:

1PPS Output. This output provides 1PPS (1Hz) HCMOS signal. It also can be configured to provide 32.768 kHz HCMOS

signal. The configuration is one time programming at the factory according to customer request.

Pin #8:

Mode Select. This pin is responsible for MCXO operating modes. If low level (<0.5v) signal is applied to the pin, MCXO

will start to operate in Frequency Mode. It will output signal with specified frequency at the pin#1. Pin#6 will be disabled.

Power consumption will be according to Frequency Mode specification. If high level (>2.8V) signal is applied to the pin,

MCXO will start to operate in Timing Mode. It will output 1PPS or 32.768 kHz signal at Pin#6. Power consumption will be

according to Timing Mode specification. Pin#1 will be disabled.

Pin #9:

Status. Status output has low level signal during normal operation. It provides low frequency signal (2-4Hz) for 5-10 seconds

after power is applied to Pin#10. It goes high during aging correction routine. It also goes high in case of MCXO malfunction.

It can be connected to LED to indicate MCXO status.

Pin #10:

Voltage Supply. This pin provides positive voltage (3.3V) to the MCXO. Minimum value of bypass capacitor is 2.2uF. It has

to be installed close pin#10.

Pins #2,4,7: Not Connected. Leave these pins not connected. They have internal functions and grounding them may lead to MCXO


Contact factory for deviations from the standard functions and operation.

Q-TECH Corporation - 10150 W. Jefferson Boulevard, Culver City 90232 - Tel: 310-836-7900 - Fax: 310-836-2157 -



3.3Vdc - 5 to 100MHz, 32.768kHz and 1PPS

QPDS-0004 (Revision B, October 2012 ) (ECO# 10690)



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