Universal Audio 710 Twin-Finity User Manual
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A Letter From Bill Putnam, Jr.
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Thank you for purchasing the Model 710 Twin-Finity Mic/Line/Hi-Z Preamplifier— a radically new UA
pre-amp design which combines both the classic retro warmth of UA tube design and the transient
bite of solid-state in a 2U, half-rack, all-metal chassis. The 710 was created specifically to add the
tonal versatility and sonic inspiration missing from generic audio interface preamps. The key to its
sonic flexibility lies in its innovative circuit design, featuring a solid-state transimpedance input amp
simultaneously driving separate, phase-aligned tube and solid-state gain stages, which are then
summed to a single output. The mix between the 310 volt single-ended class-A triode tube stage and
solid-state transimpedance stage is controlled via a unique “Blend” knob. Blending is continually
variable between 100% tube and 100% solid-state offering a practically infinite range of unique
pre-amp tones and the ability to easily dial in your own signature sound.
Like all our other preamp designs, the 710 features dual gain-stage controls (Gain/Level) which can
radically vary the amount of coloration and distortion by allowing you to crank up the input gain like a
guitar amp. The VU meter features a unique “Drive” mode allowing you to see how hard you are driving
the tube/solid state stage. Other features include a discrete JFET Direct Inject input which allows you
to plug in an electric guitar or bass, or any instrument with a magnetic or acoustic transducer pickup,
with 2.2M ohm ultra Hi-Z impedance; a monolithic balanced output stage; more than 70dB of gain;
+48V phantom power and a -15dB pad for the mic input; phase invert and 75Hz low cut filter; a
universal auto-sensing internal power supply that allows for operation at any voltage between 100 and
240VAC; and a portable, rack-mountable design for studio, desktop or stage. Yet for all its versatility
and power, the 710 is remarkably easy to use: you’ll find that its controls are simple and essential,
providing only those features required for practical use without needless duplication of functionality
found elsewhere in most studios.
Most of us at Universal Audio are musicians and/or recording engineers. We love the recording process,
and we really get inspired when tracks are beautifully recorded. Our design goal for the 710 was to
build a mic preamp that we would be delighted to use ourselves—one that would induce that “a-ha”
feeling you get when hearing music recorded in its most natural, inspired form.
Developing the Model 710—as well as Universal Audio’s entire line of quality audio products designed
to meet the needs of the modern recording studio while retaining the character of classic vintage
equipment—has been a very special experience for me and for all who have been involved. While, on
the surface, the rebuilding of UA has been a business endeavor, it's really been so much more than
that: in equal parts a sentimental and technical adventure.
We thank you, and we thank my father, Bill Putnam.
Bill Putnam, Jr.