Crown Audio P.I.P-RPA User Manual
Page 17

Page 17
Reference Manual
10 V Output
A 10 VDC ± 50 mV current-limited
output is provided for use with the
remote control inputs and the Tie in-
put. It has a 75-ohm output imped-
Audio Bus
Audio Bus Inputs: One indepen-
dent unbalanced current summing
input for each output channel of the
PIP There is unity gain into either
input when a 10 K ohm source resis-
tor is used.
Audio Bus Outputs: One indepen-
dent unbalanced output for each out-
put channel of the PIP, representing
the mix of the A–D main audio inputs.
Suggested for use with 10 K ohm or
greater input impedance. The output
impedance is 75 ohms. Capable of
driving a 600-ohm line to +18 dB.