Crown Audio P.I.P.-ATNJ User Manual
Page 5

Page 5
ference Manual
Reference Manual
Fig. 2.4 PIP2 Input Adapter
Fig. 2.5 Installation into a
PIP2 Amplifier
PIP2 Amplifiers: (Requires the PIP2
ADAPTER.) Connect the PIP2 input
adapter to the two input cables of the
amplifier (see Figure 2.4). Notice the
PIP2 input adapter should be positioned
with the PIP edge connector on top and
facing away from the amplifier. The 20-
pin cable (A) is connected first, then the
18-pin cable (B) is connected. Both rib-
bon cables should extend below the
PIP2 input adapter.
Next, insert the edge connector of the
P.I.P.–ATNJ into the PIP2 input adapter
(see Figure 2.5) and insert the assem-
bly into the PIP opening in the back of
the amplifier.
7. Secure the P.I.P.–ATNJ with the two
screws and lock washers provided.
The lock washers are important be-
cause they bond the PIP to amplifier
chassis ground to ensure electrical and
mechanical integrity for safety and per-
8. Reconnect the amplifier to the AC
power and turn it on.
9. Connect the audio signal wiring to the
input connectors of the P.I.P.–ATNJ ac-
cording to the instructions in your
amplifier’s Reference Manual.
10. Adjust the amplifier level controls to
the maximum desired level. This should
be the maximum setting you ever want
the amplifier to use in case the Attenua-
tion controls on the P.I.P.–ATNJ are
ever set to 0 (zero) dB attenuation.
11. Use the Attenuator controls on the
P.I.P.–ATNJ. to adjust the input audio
signal level. Note: If you do not want to
use the Attenuator controls on the PIP,
turn them to 0 dB (full clockwise) and
use the amplifier level controls to adjust
the input audio signal level.
Do NOT change the circuitry. Unautho-
rized circuit modifications, void the war-
Remember: Crown is not liable for dam-
age resulting from overdriven compo-
nents in your sound system.