2 hardware controls – Crown Audio IQ-MCA-IQ-MC8 User Manual
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Reference Manual
IQ-MC Modules
trolled via software or may be pro-
grammed to switch when a fail con-
dition is present on any channel.*
The high-impedance (10 K ohm)
AUX input can sense logic signals
and can be programmed to activate
system mute or report fault condi-
tions when a logic high is present.
(See Section 5.2.2 for more informa-
tion.) All amplifier channel’s output
can be monitored as a balanced
line level signal which is sent to pins
1 and 6 of the RJ-11 connector (soft-
ware selectable).
4.1.6 IQ Bus “Drop Out”
“Drop out” relays are provided on the
IQ Bus ports to maintain the continuity
of the IQ communication loop even if
the IQ-MC module loses power.
4.2 Hardware Controls
The following IQ-MC controls are ac-
cessed via hardware switches located
on the unit.
4.2.1 IQ Address Switch (S1)
An 8-section DIP switch is used to set
the IQ address of the unit. A valid IQ
address is any number from 1 to 250.
Numbers higher than 250 are reserved
for special use.
An address of “0” places the unit in
stand-alone mode. In this mode, the
IQ bus port is disabled and the IQ-
MC module will not function with IQ
This switch is located on the rear of
the amplifier. Each IQ component on
a IQ Bus is given a unique IQ address
so it can be independently controlled
and monitored. Two or more IQ com-
ponents of the same type should
NEVER have the same address on
the same IQ Bus loop.
4.2.2 Reset/Preset Switch
A recessed reset/preset switch, ac-
cessible from outside the IQ-MC
panel, performs two functions. First, it
enables the IQ-MC module to be re-
stored to factory default settings, and
second, allows the user to recall any
of 10 presets. A straightened paper
clip or similar small object is required
to press the reset switch.
-To select one of the 10 presets,
complete the following steps:
Remove all input signals. With the
power on, briefly press the switch for
less than two seconds to toggle
through the 10 user-defined presets
stored in firmware. Each press will
increment the selected preset by one.
After the switch is released, the DATA
light will flash for a moment, then the
PRESET indicator will blink to indicate
the preset number selected. Restore
input signals.
-To restore the unit to the factory
default settings, complete the fol-
lowing steps:
Remove all input signals. With the
power on, press the switch and hold
for more than 2 seconds, or until the
DATA indicator blinks twice, and all
settings will be reset to factory de-
fault. When the switch is released, the
DATA indicator will flash rapidly for a
moment. Restore input signals.
* The AUX output uses inverse logic when
it is configured to report a fail condition.
Normally high, it switches low when any
channel fails a test. In this way it can also
indicate a power loss.