Dexter Laundry T-1450 EXPRESS (Commercial) User Manual
Page 11

additional push of the Up button, the lit bath mode changes from left to right: Prewash, Wash,
Rinse and Final Rinse. As there are two possible Rinse bathes, for Rinse1 the Rinse LED and
the display changes to “b” in the left digit and “r1" in the two right hand digits. For Rinse2, the
display changes to “b” in the left digit and “r2" in the two right hand digits. Note that the Spin
light is not used. When the Down button is pushed, the bath mode light changes from Prewash
to Final Rinse, etc. There is a wrap around feature in both directions. When the desired bath
mode light is on, push Enter.
The selected bath LED begins to blink. The display shows the letters “ct” in the left two digits
and the bath cycle time in the right two digits. Again the up/down buttons change this value.
The range is shown below. If zero time is entered, then the bath will be skipped and the program
will return to the bath selection. When the desired cycle time is selected, push enter.
The display shows the letter “t” in the left digit and the letters “CC” appear in the right two
digits. This is the bath water temperature. The selection choices are shown below but for the
coin washer the value is defaulted to CC. When the desired temperature is selected, press enter.
The display shows the letter “L” in the left digit and the letters “LO” appear in the right two
digits. This is the bath water level. The selection choices are shown below but for the coin
washer the value is defaulted to LO. As it is not selectable with a coin washer, the owner pushes
enter to continue.
The display shows the letters “dF” in the left two digits and the letter “t” appears in the right
digit. This is the bath delay fill. The selections are “t” for counting down bath time during the
fill or “d” for delay the bath time until water level is reached. When the desired selection is
made, push enter.
The display shows the letter “S” in the left digit and the bath spin time in the right two digits.
Again the up/down buttons change this value. The range is shown below. When the desired spin
time is selected, push enter.
The display shows the letters “IS” in the left two digits and the injection selection appear in the
right digit. For the coin washer the default value is “0" and cannot be changed. Push enter
At this point the bath LED stops blinking. The display will show “b” and the next bath LED
lights. Again use the up/down buttons to change the bath selection. To exit the programming
mode, push and hold exit for 5 seconds. The cycle will be stored when exiting the programming