Nerve supply of the head – 3B Scientific Head Musculature additionally with Nerves User Manual

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1 Great auricular nerve
2 Transverse nerve of the neck
3 Facial nerve (7th cranial n.)
3a Temporal branches
3b Zygomatic branches
3c Buccal branches
3d Marginal mandibular branch
4 Accessory nerve (11th cranial n.)
5 Infraorbital nerve
6 Anterior ethmoidal nerve, External nasal branch
7 Infratrochlear nerve
8 Supratrochlear nerve
9 Supraorbital nerve
10 Mental nerve
11 Hypoglossal nerve (12th cranial n.)
12 Upper root of the cervical nerve loop
13 Vagus nerve (10th cranial n.)
14 Superior laryngeal nerve
15 Inferior alveolar nerve
16 Lingual nerve
17 Lateral pterygoid nerve
18 Deep temporal nerves
19 Lesser occipital nerve
20 Cervical nerves
21 Lower root of the cervical nerve loop
22 Posterior branches of the superior alveolar nerves
23 Mylohyoid nerve
24 Great occipital nerve

Nerve Supply of the Head