3B Scientific Rotation Apparatus User Manual

3b scientific® physics

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Rotary Motion Apparatus 1010084

Instruction sheet

11/12 ALF

1 Base
2 Frame
3 Weight discs 50 g
4 Weight discs 200 g
5 Weight discs 100 g
6 Rotating axle

7 Multiple pulley
8 Crossbar
9 String
10 Hanger for slotted weights
11 Deflection pulley

1. Safety instructions

To avoid injuries:
• Maintain a safe distance from the device

while it is in operation. Be especially careful
to keep your eyes and face away from mov-
ing parts.

• Do not use your hand to spin the apparatus

to a high angular velocity! The screws are
not designed to stay in position at high ve-
locities and the weights will fly off.

2. Description

The rotary motion apparatus is used for investi-
gating the effect of a constant torque on a rotat-
ing body with variable moment of inertia.
A vertical, rotating axle on ball bearings in a
stable frame.supports a crossbar with equidis-
tant grooves for holding the weights. For safety,
the weights are fixed in place with screws. The
torque is generated by a rotating plate with
hooks and up to three slotted weights, acting via
a string threaded over a multiple pulley with four
different pulley diameters.