3b scientific, Physics – 3B Scientific Ice Bomb User Manual
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Ice Bomb U8442120
Instruction Sheet
06/08 ALF
1 Cap
2 Ice
3 Spacer
4 Cast-iron
1. Description
The ice bomb is used to demonstrate the expansion
in the volume of water when it freezes and the
enormous forces that can be generated.
The ice bomb consists of a steel cylinder with a
plastic cap. Attached to the cylinder there is a shackle
with a pair of holes through which a cast-iron bolt
can be passed.
2. Equipment supplied
1 Basic unit
1 Plastic cap
3 Spacer rings
10 Cast-iron bolts
3. Accessories
Set of 10 cast-iron bolts
4. Technical data
Dimensions: 40
Ч30Ч75 mm
Max. bolt diameter:
10 mm
620 g approx.
5. Operation
5.1 Preparation for the experiment
Cool some distilled water down to about 4°C.
First check the fitting of the bolt in the ice bomb,
by closing the cylinder with the plastic cap and
inserting a bolt through the shackle. The bolt
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