3B Scientific Kundts Tube User Manual
Page 4

Elwe Didactic GmbH • Steinfelsstr. 6 • 08248 Klingenthal • Germany •
3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany •
Subject to technical amendments
© Copyright 2007 3B Scientific GmbH
4. Operation
In order to conduct the experiments, the following
apparatus is additionally required:
1 Tuning fork 1700 Hz
U8431020 or
1 Pneumatic loudspeaker
U8432680 with
1 Function generator
Cork powder
1 Metre scale
1 Stand for coils
Use a refill rail to introduce a small quantity of
cork dust into the tube.
Slightly tilt the tube and shake it gently till the
cork dust has uniformly spread throughout the
length of the tube.
Position the Kundt’s tube on the stand so that
the strip of cork dust is at the bottom.
Slowly rotate the tube along its length in order
to spread the cork dust along the walls too.
For determining the wavelength, fit the tube
with a horn.
For determining resonance conditions, conduct
the experiment without a horn.
It is recommended that a 1700-Hz tuning fork be
used. The fork produces a resonant wavelength
of 0.2 m for the 0.6-m tube. When the wave is re-
flected at the open end, antinodes are produced at
both ends. When the wave is reflected at the closed
end, nodes are produced at both ends.
Position the sound source right at the end of
the tube.
If blowing a whistle, make sure that it is per-
pendicular to the tube. This is necessary to
prevent any air from entering the tube.
When using a tuning fork, strike it and quickly
hold it with its prongs in the direction of vibra-
tion in front of the opening of the tube or the
When using a loudspeaker, gradually change
the frequency on the function generator to
identify the resonance frequency. Effective
range: between 600 Hz and 8000 Hz.
To tune a closed tube to the resonant length,
gradually move the movable plunger.