3B Scientific Trinocular Microscope Model N180 User Manual

3b scientific, Physics

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Trinocular Microscope Model N180 1013150

Instruction Manual

07/13 ALF

1 Vertical


2 Eyepiece

3 Binocular


4 Revolver



5 Object


6 Object


7 Condensor with iris diaphragm

and filter holder

8 Lamp


9 Coarse and fine movement con-

trols with holding brake

10 Coaxial movement control for the

object stage

11 Illumination control

12 Mains switch

13 Stand

14 Head lock screw

1. Safety notes

For power supply use only electrical sockets
with ground contact.

2. Description, technical data

The microscope model N180 allows two-
dimensional viewing of objects (thin sections of
plant or animal specimen) in 40x to 1000x mag-
nification and a eyepiece camera (e.g. 1003259,
1013379 and 1013380) to be attached for
documenting work in the form of photographs
and videos.

Stand: Robust, all metal stand with arm perma-
nently connected to the base. Focussing by
means of separate knobs for coarse and fine
adjustment located on either side of the stand

Tube: Trinocular Siedentopf head, 360° ro-
tatable, binocular tubus with 30° viewing angle,
viewing distance adjustable between 55 and 75
mm, ±5 dioptric compensation, one tube with
vertical viewing angle to attach a camera

Eyepiece: Pair of extra wide field eyepieces EW
10x 20 mm

Objectives: Inverted objective revolver with 4
semi plan achromatic objectives 4x / 0.10, 10x /
0.25, 40x / 0.65, 100x / 1.25 (oil)

Magnification: 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x

Object stage: x-y mechanical stage, 140 mm x
140 mm, with object guide and coaxial adjust-
ment knobs perpendicular to the object stage,
adjustment range 75 mm x 50 mm

Illumination: Adjustable LED lighting integrated
in base, universal 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz power