3B Scientific Control Unit for Critical Potential Tubes (115 V, 50__60 Hz) User Manual
3b scientific® physics

Control Unit for Critical Potential Tubes (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
Control Unit for Critical Potential Tubes (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1000633 (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1008506 (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
Instruction manual
01/14 ALF
1 Output for accelerating
2 Input for picoamp ampli-
3 Terminal panel for mul-
4 Terminal panel for oscil-
loscope or data logger
5 Output voltage control
1. Safety instructions
The control unit for critical potential tubes con-
forms to the safety stipulations for electrical
measuring, control and laboratory instruments
as specified in DIN EN 61010 part 1. It is in-
tended for use in dry rooms suitable for the op-
eration of electrical equipment.
Safe operation of the equipment can be assured
as long as it is used as stipulated. However,
safety cannot be guaranteed if the equipment is
used incorrectly or handled without due care
and attention.
If it may be assumed that the equipment may no
longer be operated safely (e.g. in the event of
visible damage), it must be taken out of use
2. Description
The control unit is designed for the operation of
S-series critical potential tubes filled with helium
(1000620) or neon (1000621).
The equipment outputs a saw-tooth waveform
with a frequency of 20 Hz to be used as the
accelerating voltage at the anode of such tubes.
This voltage is galvanically isolated from the
operational earth of the device. This means that
an additional voltage supply of the user’s choice,
such as a battery, can also be connected be-
tween the anode and the collector electrode.
The initial and final voltages of the saw-tooth
generator can be adjusted continuously between
0 and 60 V. This makes it possible to observe a
specific section of the curve more accurately.
With the help of the built-in picoamp amplifier, it