3B Scientific Digital Binocular Microscope with Built-in Camera User Manual
3b scientific, Physics

Digital Binocular Microscope with Built-in Camera
Instruction Manual
08/13 ALF
1 Eyepiece
2 Tube
3 Revolver
4 Object
5 Object
6 Condenser with iris dia-
phragm and filter holder
7 Condenser
8 Lamp
9 Base
10 Mains switch
11 Illumination control
12 Coaxial movement control
for the specimen stage
13 Coarse and fine movement
controls with holding brake
14 Stand
15 Head lock screw
16 Camera
17 USB connection
1. Safety notes
For power supply use only electrical sockets
with ground contact.
Caution! The Stirling engine becomes hot during
use. Risk of burns!
Do not touch the lamp during or immediately
after use.
2. Description, technical data
The digital binocular microscope with built-in
camera allows two-dimensional viewing of ob-
jects (thin sections of plant or animal specimen)
in 40x to 1000x magnification. It also allows
photographic or video-recording documentation
of images.
As well as real-time video playback, single im-
ages, sequences and video recording, the Sco-
peImage software provides a wide range of
functions for the presentation, processing and
evaluation of images.
The installation CD contains a detailed descrip-
tion of the software in English, and additional
advice and assistance is available in the help
files of the software.
Stand: All-metal stand, arm firmly connected
with base, pinion knobs attached on both sides
of the stand for coarse and fine focusing
Tube: Binocular inclined 45°, head rotation 360°
Eyepiece: Pair of wide field eyepieces WF 10x
18 mm
Objectives: Revolving nosepiece with 4 achro-
matic objectives 4x / 0.10, 10x / 0.25, 40x / 0.65,
100x / 1.25 (oil)