I want my delivery to be as natural as possible – 3B Scientific SIMone™ Birthing Simulator User Manual

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No other group of patients prepares themselves

for a hospital visit as carefully as parents-to-be.

The birth of a child is a very special experience and

nobody likes to think

about possible com-

plications. Potential

problems are however

often discussed during

antenatal care, while

most women only want to deliver by Caesarean sec-

tion in case of extreme emergency. This is why most

prospective parents favour delivery in a clinical envi-


For the first time a birthing simulator gives obste-

tricians the opportunity to practice an instrumen-

tal delivery in a realistic manner - again and again.

Through repeated rehearsal a routine is instilled prior

to an emergency. It’s also a routine for physicians in

training which allows them to competently manage

unknown situations – and save an unborn child’s life

sooner or later.

“I want my

delivery to be

as natural

as possible!”