I want my delivery to be as natural as possible – 3B Scientific SIMone™ Birthing Simulator User Manual
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No other group of patients prepares themselves
for a hospital visit as carefully as parents-to-be.
The birth of a child is a very special experience and
nobody likes to think
about possible com-
plications. Potential
problems are however
often discussed during
antenatal care, while
most women only want to deliver by Caesarean sec-
tion in case of extreme emergency. This is why most
prospective parents favour delivery in a clinical envi-
For the first time a birthing simulator gives obste-
tricians the opportunity to practice an instrumen-
tal delivery in a realistic manner - again and again.
Through repeated rehearsal a routine is instilled prior
to an emergency. It’s also a routine for physicians in
training which allows them to competently manage
unknown situations – and save an unborn child’s life
sooner or later.
“I want my
delivery to be
as natural
as possible!”
- Piezoelectric Charge Source (2 pages)
- Animal cell model (36 pages)
- Internal organs Chart (16 pages)
- Digital Input Box (12 pages)
- Digital Input Box (2 pages)
- Experiment Set - On the Trail of Flavour Enhancers Brand new and topical-versatile in classroom situations (48 pages)
- Pascal’s Pressure Sphere (6 pages)
- Pascal’s Pressure Sphere (1 page)
- Heat Equivalent Apparatus (6 pages)
- Heat Equivalent Apparatus (24 pages)
- 3B Deluxe Portable Massage Table - Blue (2 pages)
- Radiation of Heat__Thermopile (12 pages)
- Radiation of Heat__Thermopile (2 pages)
- Capillary Tubes Apparatus (2 pages)
- Basic Experiment Board (230 V, 50__60 Hz) (24 pages)
- Model of female breast (30 pages)
- Digital Teslameter with Probe (230 V, 50__60 Hz) (4 pages)
- Brain with Arteries on Base of Head, 8 part (20 pages)
- Functional Physiological Skeleton Model - Frank - Hanging Stand (1 page)
- Physiological Skeleton Model - Phil - Hanging Stand (20 pages)
- Teltron Optical Equivalent to Debye-Scherrer Interference (2 pages)
- Teltron Luminescence Tube D (4 pages)
- Teltron Triode D, Helium-filled (4 pages)
- Human Blood Circulation Chart (16 pages)
- Power Function Generator (115 V, 50__60 Hz) (24 pages)
- Power Function Generator (230 V, 50__60 Hz) (4 pages)
- Laser Diode for Debye-Sears Effect, Red (5 pages)
- Lung Model with larynx, 7 part (16 pages)
- The Human Skeleton Chart, front (16 pages)
- Solar Energy Basic Kit (2 pages)
- Solar Energy Basic Kit (12 pages)
- 1002996 (2 pages)
- 1000731 (1 page)
- Basic Mechanics Kit (2 pages)
- Teltron Dual Beam Tube S (6 pages)
- Resusci Anne CPR Torso (73 pages)
- Leclanche Cell (2 pages)
- Human Pulse Sensor Box (4 pages)
- Human Pulse Sensor Box (24 pages)
- Advanced Thermodynamics Kit (3 pages)
- 1008528 (1 page)
- Life size Muscle Torso, 27 part (60 pages)
- Launcher S (12 pages)
- Launcher S (2 pages)
- Torso Chart (16 pages)