带有指甲和毛根的皮肤剖面图 – 3B Scientific Skin, Hair and Nail Microscopic Structures User Manual
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1 表皮
2 皮肤
3 皮下组织
4 表皮的角质层
5 表皮的透明层
6 表皮的颗粒层
7 表皮的棘状层
8 表皮的基底层
9 麦斯纳氏小体,触觉小体
10 法特氏小体(皮肤内感觉神经终端)
11 汗腺
12 远端指骨
13 甲床
14 甲弧影
15 甲面
16 甲体
17 甲游离缘
18 毛发角质层
19 毛干
20 毛干髓质
21 毛乳头
22 毛球
23 毛根
24 立毛肌
25 皮脂腺
26 乳头下丛
27 毛干
28 乳头
29 导汗管
30 汗孔
人体的外表面由皮肤覆盖。根据人身高的不同,皮肤覆盖面积在1.5 到1.8 m² 之间。本模型对于厚(
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- Animal cell model (36 pages)
- Internal organs Chart (16 pages)
- Digital Input Box (12 pages)
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- Experiment Set - On the Trail of Flavour Enhancers Brand new and topical-versatile in classroom situations (48 pages)
- Pascal’s Pressure Sphere (6 pages)
- Pascal’s Pressure Sphere (1 page)
- Heat Equivalent Apparatus (6 pages)
- Heat Equivalent Apparatus (24 pages)
- 3B Deluxe Portable Massage Table - Blue (2 pages)
- Radiation of Heat__Thermopile (12 pages)
- Radiation of Heat__Thermopile (2 pages)
- Capillary Tubes Apparatus (2 pages)
- Basic Experiment Board (230 V, 50__60 Hz) (24 pages)
- Model of female breast (30 pages)
- Digital Teslameter with Probe (230 V, 50__60 Hz) (4 pages)
- Brain with Arteries on Base of Head, 8 part (20 pages)
- Physiological Skeleton Model - Phil - Hanging Stand (20 pages)
- Functional Physiological Skeleton Model - Frank - Hanging Stand (1 page)
- Teltron Optical Equivalent to Debye-Scherrer Interference (2 pages)
- Teltron Luminescence Tube D (4 pages)
- Teltron Triode D, Helium-filled (4 pages)
- Human Blood Circulation Chart (16 pages)
- Power Function Generator (115 V, 50__60 Hz) (24 pages)
- Power Function Generator (230 V, 50__60 Hz) (4 pages)
- Laser Diode for Debye-Sears Effect, Red (5 pages)
- Lung Model with larynx, 7 part (16 pages)
- The Human Skeleton Chart, front (16 pages)
- Solar Energy Basic Kit (2 pages)
- Solar Energy Basic Kit (12 pages)
- 1002996 (2 pages)
- 1000731 (1 page)
- Basic Mechanics Kit (2 pages)
- Teltron Dual Beam Tube S (6 pages)
- Resusci Anne CPR Torso (73 pages)
- Leclanche Cell (2 pages)
- Human Pulse Sensor Box (4 pages)
- Human Pulse Sensor Box (24 pages)
- Advanced Thermodynamics Kit (3 pages)
- 1008528 (1 page)
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- Torso Chart (16 pages)