The vascular system – 3B Scientific The Vascular System Chart User Manual
Page 5
V25 Brachial vein
V26 Basilic vein
V27 Median cubital vein
V28 Median antebrachial vein
V29 Ulnar veins
V30 Radial vein
V31 Superficial venous arch of palmar vein
V32 Palmar metacarpal veins
V33 Digital veins
V34 Palmar digital veins of hand
V35 Dorsal network of hand
V36 Dorsal digital veins of hand
V37 Hepatic veins
V38 Portal vein of liver
V39 Splenic vein
V40 Renal veins
V41 Superior mesenteric vein
V42 Inferior vena cava
V43 Right testicular vein
V44 Jejunal and ileal veins
V45 Common iliac vein
V46 Middle sacral vein
V47 External iliac vein
V48 Internal iliac vein
V49 Femoral vein
V50 Deep circumflex iliac vein
V51 Superficial circumflex iliac vein
V52 External pudendal vein
V53 Lateral circumflex femoral vein
V54 Ascending branch of medial circumflex, femoral vein
V55 Descending branch of lateral circumflex, femoral vein
V56 Deep femoral vein
V57 Perforating veins
V58 Genicular veins
V59 Genicular veins
V60 Genicular veins
V61 Posterior tibial vein
V62 Great saphenous vein
V63 Great saphenous vein
V64 Dorsal venous arch of foot
V65 Dorsal digital veins of foot
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