3B Scientific Helmholtz Coils, 300 mm User Manual
3b scientific® physics

Pair of Helmholtz Coils U8481500
Instruction sheet
01/07 SP
1 Connection sockets
2 Knurled screw for mounting the
rotating frame with flat coil
3 Pair of coils
4 Spring clip for Hall sensor
1. Description
The Pair of Helmholtz coils is used for generating a
homogeneous magnetic field. In conjunction with
the rotating frame with flat coil (U8481510), the
Helmholtz coils are also used in experiments for
investigating induction and magnetic levitation. and
for the determination of the specific charge of the
electron e/m in conjunction with the electron-beam
tube (U8481420). The coils can be switched in paral-
lel or in series. A spring clip on the top crossbar is
used to mount the Hall sensor during measurements
of the magnetic field.
2. Technical data
Number of turns per coil:
Outer coil diameter:
311 mm
Inner coil diameter:
287 mm
Mean coil radius:
50 mm
Coil spacing:
150 mm
Enamelled copper wire thickness:
1.5 mm
DC resistance:
1.2 Ohm each
Maximum coil current:
5 A
Maximum coil voltage:
6 V
Maximum flux density at 5 A:
3.7 mT
4.1 kg approx.