Instruction sheet – 3B Scientific Set of 6 Steel Balls User Manual

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Instruction sheet


U15014 Set of six steel balls

3/03 ALF


Steel balls suitable for experiments on elastic and inelas-
tic collisions on a slide rail.

1. Description, technical data

Set of 6 hardened and polished steel ball bearings.

30 mm each


110 g each

2. Instructions for use

• Experiment is set up on a metal slide rail (e. g. U17150)

or using 2 stands (U15004) on stand components.

• Track or stands should be adjusted to the horizontal

using a spirit level. Fine adjustment can be achieved
using the screws on the stand base.

2.1 Elastic collisions

Roll one ball with various degrees of strength against
another stationary ball.

Observe the speeds of the balls before and after
impact. (The stationary ball moves away at the same

speed while the impacting ball comes to rest. Mo-
mentum is transferred completely from one ball to
the other.)

2.2 Inelastic collisions

Attach sticky tape to a stationary ball to ensure that
a collision will be inelastic.

Roll one ball with various degrees of strength against
the stationary ball.

Observe the speeds of the balls before and after
impact. (After impact, both balls move at approxi-
mately half the original speed of the impacting ball
before the collision.)

2.3 Several balls

Roll one ball into 5 other balls that are touching one

Observe the speed of all the balls after an elastic

Repeat the experiment with 2 (3) balls rolling one
behind the other into 4(3) stationary balls that are
touching one another.

3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • • Technical amendments are possible