Physiological skeleton – 3B Scientific Physiological Skeleton Model - Phil - Hanging Stand User Manual

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Physiological Skeleton

This unique skeleton was developed in order to illustrate the supporting function of the mobile skeletal
system. Opposed to other skeletons, which are primarily designed as visual models for the study of anato-
my, with this skeleton you can simulate the development of physiological movements.

You can both visually illustrate motions, showing the interplay of the individual bones and joints, and
their behavior under pressure (pulling, pushing, stretching). While doing so, one can „feel“ with the hands
how the overall skeletal system reacts to each of the movements and locate the best possible points for the
transfer of forces as determined by the bony structures.

You can work with the skeleton while it is in either an upright (hanging) or horizontal (lying) position.

It is easiest to assemble the skeleton by placing all the parts in front of you on the floor.
• Connect the 5 arms of the base to the center section.
• Connect the two halves of the tripod rod to one another and screw the tripod rod in the center section of

the base.

• Affix the skull by leading the rod emerging from the spinal column through the hole in the roof of the

skull. If the rod appears to be too short for assembly, you can bend the spinal column slightly. First place
the metal disc and then the spring over this rod and affix both of them with the knurled nut (= disc
shaped nut). Then screw the hanging device to the rod.

• Lay the skeleton (upper body with arms and skull) in front of you on the floor. The legs are attached

using the connecting pins and screws between the ala of the ilium and the sacrum. The symphysis is
affixed with another connecting pin and screw. We recommend that you do not tighten the screws until
all of the connecting pins are positioned.

• Now, with the hanging device, hang the skeleton onto the hook of the tripod - finished.

Great value was put in the most realistic illustration of movements possible during assembly of the skele-
ton. In the following we would like to briefly point out the most important features:

The Skull
The skull of the model is made up of three parts. The skull roof can be removed to view the inner skull
structure. The lower jaw is movable. A spiral spring in the hanging device above the roof of the skull facili-
tates good mobility in the area of the cervical spine when the head is bent forward while the skeleton is in
a horizontal position.

The Spinal Column
The spinal column is flexibly assembled and shown with its natural curvature. Physiological exercises can
be carried out very well in the horizontal position.

The Thorax
The sternum and the rib ends are made of an elastic material and stabilized by a spring so that movements
in the thoracic area can be illustrated.

The Shoulder Joint
The upper arm and shoulder blade are realistically connected to one another. When the arm is raised
above the horizontal, the movement is transferred realistically to the shoulder blade.

In order to ensure stability in the shoulder girdle (cf. during transport of the model), the shoulder blade is
attached to the thorax with a screw. This screw can be loosened in order to ease the transfer of movement.