Half lower jaw, 3 times full-size, 6-part – 3B Scientific Half Lower Jaw, 3 times full-size, 6 part User Manual

Page 4

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1 Left half of mandible
a Body of mandible
b Mental protuberance
c Ramus of mandible
d Coronoid process
e Condylar process
f Mandibular foramen
g Mental foramen
h Mandibular notch
i Angle of mandible
k Mandibular canal
2 Mental artery, vein and nerve
3 Incisor 1
4 Incisor 2
5 Canine tooth
6 Premolar 1
7 Premolar 2
8 Molar 1
a Crown
b Neck
c Root
d Enamel
e Dentine
f Cement
g Dental pulp with arteries, veins and nerves
9 Molar 2
10 Molar 3
11 Gingiva
12 Inferior alveolar nerve,artery and vein

Half Lower Jaw, 3 times full-size,