B36 african, Torso, B37 african torso – 3B Scientific Deluxe Dual Sex African Torso, 24-part User Manual

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1 Right external carotid artery
2 Right internal jugular vein
3 Right superior thyroid artery
4 Thyroid cartilage
5 Right common carotid artery
6 Cricoid cartilage
7 Thyroid gland
8 Inferior thyroid vein
9 Scalenus anterior
10 Trachea
11 Right subclavain vein
12 Right brachiocephalic vein
13 Superior vena cava
14 Right lung
15 Pectoralis major
16 Pectoralis minor
17 Serratus anterior
18 Right inferior lobar bronchus
19 External intercostal muscles
20 7th rib
21 Diaphragm
22 Obliquus externus abdominis
23 Abdominal part of oesophagus
24 Costal part of diaphragm
25 Diaphragm, lumbar part
26 Right suprarenal gland
27 Coeliac trunk
28 Inferior vena cava
29 Renal pelvis
30 Renal vein
31 Ureter
32 Right testicular/ovarica artery
33 Crest of ilium
34 Right common iliac vein
35 Right common iliac artery
36 Promontory
37 Iliacus
38 Transversus abdominis
39 Obliquus internus abdominis
40 Urinary bladder
41 Rectus abdominis
42 Left internal carotid artery
43 Hyoid bone
44 Preepiglottic fat pad
45 Sternocleidomastoid
46 Left common carotid artery
47 Cricothyroid

48 Left internal jugular vein
49 Left superior thyroid artery
50 Inferior belly of omohyoid muscle
51 Left subclavian artery
52 Clavicle
53 Left brachiocephalic vein
54 Ascending aorta
55 Left pulmonary artery
56 Superior left pulmonary vein
57 Bifurcation of trachea
58 Left principal bronchus
59 Oesophagus
60 Thoracic part of aorta
61 Bronchus of left inferior lobe
62 Left lung
63 Caval opening
64 Parietal pleura
65 Spleen
66 Left suprarenal gland
67 Hilum of spleen
68 Left suprarenal vein
69 Abdominal aorta
70 Left kidney
71 Left ureter
72 Left testicular/ovarian vein
73 Quadratus lumborum
74 Left testicular/ovarian artery
75 Left common iliac artery
76 Left common iliac vein
77 Median sacral artery
78 Psoas major
79 Sigmoid colon
80 Rectum
81 Inguinal ligament
82 Lymph node
83 White line of abdomen
84 Femoral artery
85 Femoral vein
86 Lymph vessel
87 Brain
88 Cranial dura mater
89 Frontal bone
90 Temporalis
91 Eye
92 Zygomatic bone
93 Maxilla
94 Nasal bone


B36 African


unisex, 14 pieces

B37 African Torso,

dual sex, 24 pieces