Fonksiyonel gırtlak – 3B Scientific Functional Larynx Model, 3 times full-size User Manual
Page 15

1 Dil kemiği (Htyoid kemiği)
1a Dil kemiği gövdesi
1b Dil kemiği küçük boynuzu
1c Dil kemiği büyük boynuzu
2 Lateral tirohiyoid bağ dokusu
3 Triticeal kıkırdak (Kartilaj)
4 Tiroid kıkırdak
4a Tiroid kıkırdağının sağ lamı
4b Tiroid kıkırdağının sol lamı
4c Üst tiroid çentik
4d Üst tiroid tüberkül
4e Alt tiroid tüberkül
4f Üst tiroid boynuzu
4g Alt tiroid boynuzu
5 Krikoid kıkırdağı
5a Krikoid kıkırdağı kemeri
5b Krikoid kıkırdaklı lam
5c Tiroidin oynak yüzeyi
6 Aritenoid kıkırdak
6a Aritenoid kıkırdak vokal süreç
6b Aritenoid kıkırdak kas süreci
7 Kornikulat kıkırdak
8 Epiglotik kıkırdak
9 Ligamentum trioepiglotikum
10 Vokal kort
11 Soluk borusu membran duvarı
12 Soluk borusu kıkırdağı
Fonksiyonel gırtlak
- Piezoelectric Charge Source (2 pages)
- Animal cell model (36 pages)
- Internal organs Chart (16 pages)
- Digital Input Box (12 pages)
- Digital Input Box (2 pages)
- Experiment Set - On the Trail of Flavour Enhancers Brand new and topical-versatile in classroom situations (48 pages)
- Pascal’s Pressure Sphere (6 pages)
- Pascal’s Pressure Sphere (1 page)
- Heat Equivalent Apparatus (6 pages)
- Heat Equivalent Apparatus (24 pages)
- 3B Deluxe Portable Massage Table - Blue (2 pages)
- Radiation of Heat__Thermopile (12 pages)
- Radiation of Heat__Thermopile (2 pages)
- Capillary Tubes Apparatus (2 pages)
- Basic Experiment Board (230 V, 50__60 Hz) (24 pages)
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- Functional Physiological Skeleton Model - Frank - Hanging Stand (1 page)
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- Teltron Luminescence Tube D (4 pages)
- Teltron Triode D, Helium-filled (4 pages)
- Human Blood Circulation Chart (16 pages)
- Power Function Generator (115 V, 50__60 Hz) (24 pages)
- Power Function Generator (230 V, 50__60 Hz) (4 pages)
- Laser Diode for Debye-Sears Effect, Red (5 pages)
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- Solar Energy Basic Kit (2 pages)
- Solar Energy Basic Kit (12 pages)
- 1002996 (2 pages)
- 1000731 (1 page)
- Basic Mechanics Kit (2 pages)
- Teltron Dual Beam Tube S (6 pages)
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- Leclanche Cell (2 pages)
- Human Pulse Sensor Box (4 pages)
- Human Pulse Sensor Box (24 pages)
- Advanced Thermodynamics Kit (3 pages)
- 1008528 (1 page)
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- Launcher S (2 pages)
- Torso Chart (16 pages)