Illnesses of the oesophagus – 3B Scientific Diseases of the Esophagus User Manual
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Illnesses of the Oesophagus
The life-size model is a frontal section of the lower part of the oesophagus from normal to columnar oeso-
phageal epithelium. The diaphragm is recognisable in area of the oesophagus' point of passage.
Furthermore, the upper part (cardia and fundus) of the stomach is shown. The back of the oesophagus,
diaphragm and stomach is anatomically replicated with unstriated muscles.
The following illnesses are shown:
1. Reflux oesophagitis:
infection of the oesophagus caused by stomach acid reflux
2. Ulcus:
ulcer of the oesophageal epithelium caused by chronic reflux
3. Barrett's Ulcer:
changes of the mucous lining after chronic reflux and ulcers
4. Oesophageal carcinoma: malignant cancer of the oesophagus
5. Oesophageal varices:
varicose veins in the oesophagus
6. Hiatal hernia:
occurs when the stomach pushes through the hiatus oesophagus into
the thoracic cavity
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