3B Scientific Thermal Expansion Apparatus S User Manual

Page 2

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(Note: at high altitudes, water boils at slightly less
than 100° C.)

• When steam has been passing through the rod for

about 1 minute and no more condensing steam is
emerging from the end of the rod, read off the larg-
est movement of the pointer.

5. Example calculation

Room temperature T


= 22°C

Temperature of steam = 100° C

Temperature rise

T= 78° C

Pointer movement for copper rod d = 32.5 mm
Extension w = 50
Length of rod l = 500 mm

α =

32 5

500 50 78


⋅ ⋅

= 16,7 · 10


/° C

Table of values:
Copper: 16.8 · 10


/° C


12 · 10


/° C


9 · 10


/° C

3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • • Technical amendments are possible